
Welcome to the official documentation of DZap. The following pages contain a comprehensive guide to DZap's ecosystem.

What is DZap?

DZap is a protocol aiming to simplify DeFi. DZap is developing advanced routing and aggregation layer of DeFi ranging from DEX aggregator, bridge aggregator, yield aggregator to leverage aggregator. And, we are also developing advanced features on top of aggregation layer.

DZap offers the building blocks for navigating DeFi in a seamless manner. The current state of DeFi ecosystem includes many feature sets (swap, bridge, yield farming, providing liquidity, leveraged positions, etc), and hundreds of blockchains, bridges, DEXs. DeFi navigation is complex and UX can be difficult at times.

What makes DZap unique is that we integrate top DeFi services, provide the best liquidity and user experience at the same time and remove the need to use multiple services with different interfaces. You only need DZap for everything DeFi.

To be precise, our core modules include:

  1. DEX Aggregator

  2. Bridge Aggregator

  3. Yield Aggregator

  4. Leverage Aggregator

  5. LP Modules

And, our feature set includes:

  1. Batch Swap

  2. Dollar Cost Averaging (DCA)

  3. Multi-swap bridge

  4. LP Migration

  5. Yield Farming

DZap vs. Other Aggregators

All the existing aggregators also provide route-finding service for users, but they have limited feature set. DZap is an aggregator of aggregator i.e we integration single DEXs, and aggregators to enable any-to-any swap.

DZap is an advanced aggregation layer with features such as Batch Swap, DCA, multi-swap bridge, LP migration, yield farming, etc.


DZap’s long-term target is to onboard more users and make their DeFi experience more seamless and less time consuming.

We target to launch more advanced features and protocols in phases so that our team get the development time to build the most optimised product and customised through community feedback.

As a DeFi project, we are aware that security concerns need to be addressed carefully. The protocol will be tested thoroughly and core contract accounts will be secured with cold as well as multi-sig wallets to mitigate possible risks that could leave negative feedback on the DZap community.

Get Started

To walk through the entire process of using DZap and interacting with different features, visit the website

Explore the sidebar to find more developer specific documentation covering all the aspects of the features.

We want to hear from you!

To get involved and to stay up to date with new updates and launches, please join DZap’s community Discord server; our team, and members of the community, look forward to helping you. Your questions and feedback help us improve, so please don't hesitate to ask if you can't find what you are looking for here. Get connected:

If you still can't find something you're looking for or have any questions, ask them at our developers community on Discord.

Our team is excited about assisting you to use DZap. Your questions and feedback help us make a better user experience.

Last updated