Bridge Aggregator

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction

  2. Cross-Chain Operations

    • 2.1 Bridge

    • 2.2 Bridge Multiple Tokens

    • 2.3 Swap and Bridge

1. Introduction

Dzap's Bridge Aggregator is a pivotal component of the Dzap ecosystem, enabling users to seamlessly move assets across different blockchain networks. In this technical documentation, we delve into the features and functionalities of the Bridge Aggregator, which empowers users to bridge and swap tokens across multiple chains and liquidity sources.

2. Cross-Chain Operations

The Dzap Bridge Aggregator simplifies and optimizes cross-chain transactions, allowing users to bridge and swap tokens with ease. It offers three main functionalities:

2.1 Bridge

  • The "Bridge" function allows users to transfer tokens from one blockchain to another using the best aggregator or bridge available.

  • Users can securely move their assets from their source chain to the destination chain, facilitating interoperability between different blockchain networks.

2.2 Bridge Multiple Tokens

  • "Bridge Multiple Tokens" enables users to bridge multiple tokens in a single transaction.

  • This feature optimizes the cross-chain transfer process, reducing gas costs and streamlining the user experience.

2.3 Swap and Bridge

The "Swap and Bridge" functionality is a versatile feature that allows for a variety of token operations across chains. It supports the following scenarios:

2.3.1 Swap on Source Chain and Then Bridge

  • Users can initiate a token swap on their source chain, converting one asset into another.

  • After the swap, the user can bridge the newly acquired tokens to the destination chain, providing an efficient way to move assets while taking advantage of market conditions.

2.3.2 Bridge Tokens and Then Swap on Destination Chain

  • This operation involves bridging tokens from the source chain to the destination chain.

  • Once the tokens arrive on the destination chain, users can initiate a swap to convert them into the desired assets on the new network.

2.3.3 Swap on Source Chain, Bridge, and Then Swap on Destination Chain

  • Users have the option to execute a two-step operation that involves an initial token swap on the source chain.

  • After the swap, the tokens are bridged to the destination chain and can be further exchanged for different assets through a second swap transaction.

2.3.4 Multiple Tokens in a Single Transaction

  • Users can perform the above swap and bridge operations for multiple tokens in a single transaction.

  • This comprehensive functionality minimizes gas fees and optimizes the cross-chain asset management process.

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